Magabala Books Magabala Books Australia’s leading Indigenous publisher Support us

We respectfully caution Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander readers that this website contains images of people who have passed away.


Open your Heart to Country Competition Terms and Conditions

To celebrate Open your Heart to Country, we are giving away a Magabala Books pack featuring five of our newest titles. 

The competition giveaway includes:  - 1 x 30–45 minute modelled reading lesson with Jasmine Seymour delivered via zoom (Lesson structure: Modelled reading of Open Your Heart to Country, followed by a literacy activity and concluded with a Q&A).


  1. Information on how to enter form part of the Terms and Conditions. Entry to the competition is deemed acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. 
  2. The Competition is only open to Eligible Entrants. An “Eligible Entrant” is an individual who, at the time of entry is a resident of Australia aged 18 years or older. 
  3. Competition commences 07/06/2022 and closes 11:59PM AWST on 15/06/2022 (Entry Period). 



