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Sea Country shortlisted for Tasmanian Literary Awards 2022

Wed, Nov 16, 2022


Congratulations to Aunty Patsy Cameron and Lisa Kennedy, their children’s picture book Sea Country has been shortlisted in the 2022 Tasmanian Literary Awards. 

Aunty Patsy Cameron is a highly regarded Elder, author, researcher and cultural historian, who recognises the need for an Aboriginal voice and perspective in the interpretation and communication of Tasmanian Aboriginal history, heritage and culture. Sea Country celebrates the stories and traditions from her family, highlighting seasonal island life in Tasmania.

Lisa is a descendant of the coastal Pairebeenne/Trawlwoolway clan in North East Tasmania. She has always carried a deep love of Sea and Country and has been blessed to illustrate Sea Country. Lisa finds her most meaningful work is to collaborate with Elders to visually express the often hidden voices of Ancestors and Country in a way that is accessible to many.

“Such an honour to be shortlisted for this award in Trouwerner with  author, wisdom keeper and Elder Aunty Patsy Cameron. Sea Country being such a special a story grown from deep knowing and experience in this Country." 

- Lisa Kennedy

Formerly known as the Premiers’ Literary Prizes, the Tasmanian Literary Awards recognise and promote excellence in Tasmania’s literary sector. Recognised in the Minister for the Art’s Prize for Books for Young Readers and Children category, Sea Country is celebrated alongside others for its emotional resonance, complexity of themes, sense of style and voice, diversity and the power of words. 
Congratulations again to Auntry Patsy and Lisa and all entrants. 

The winners will be announced on Thursday 15 December.