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CloseShortlisted: Bruce Pascoe and Sue McPherson
A big congratulations to Magabala authors Bruce Pascoe (Fog a Dox) and Sue McPherson (Grace Beside Me) who received two of the five shortlist nominations in the Young Adult category of the 2013 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards.
The Prime Minister’s Literary Awards celebrate the contribution of Australian literature to the nation’s cultural and intellectual life. The Awards recognise the importance of literature to Australia’s national identity, community and economy.
A total of $595,000 will be awarded in six Award categories, making the Prime Minister’s Literary Awards the richest literary awards in Australia.
A prize of $80,000 will be awarded to the winner of each of the award categories. Bruce and Sue each received $5,000 for being shortlisted in the Young Adult category. Winners will be announced in July 2013, so watch this space.
For more information go to: http://arts.gov.au/pmliteraryawards