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'Grace Beside Me' to become a 13-episode TV series

Mon, Jan 23, 2017

Sue McPherson

Sue McPherson, author of Grace Beside Me

Congratulations to Magabala author, Sue McPherson, whose award-winning Young Adult novel, Grace Beside Me (2012) has been commissioned by NITV to be its first ever scripted live-action series.

In an Australian first, the series will consist of 13 episodes to be screened on three subsequent networks.

A warmly rendered story of life in a small town that interweaves the mundane with the profound and the spiritual, Grace Beside Me is told through the eyes of teenager, Fuzzy Mac, whose life is turned upside down when, at the age of 13, she discovers she can see ghosts and spirits. 

Sue, who also wrote the 12-minute short drama, Nan and a Whole Lot of Trouble for ABC TV, will be one of the writers for the new series, along with fellow award-winning Magabala author, Tristan Savage (Gubbament Man, Un-Australian), Danielle MacLean (Little J and Big Cuz, Double Trouble, Blown Away), Jon Bell (The Gods of Wheat Street, Cleverman), Briar Grace-Smith (Being Eve, Kaitangata Twitch), Adrian Russell Wills (Redfern Now, Ready for This), and Erica Glynn (Little J and Big Cuz).

Grace Beside Me is currently in pre-production and will commence filming in early 2017. It will premiere on NITV, followed by a secondary broadcast on the ABC, and a third release on subscription TV on the Disney Channel.