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CloseONE of the vibrant illustrations from Gregg Dreise’s book Silly Birds, published by Magabala Books in July, will feature in the Australian exhibition at next year’s Bologna Children’s Book Fair.
Silly Birds is one of 32 books chosen from 109 entries for the Hello! From Australia exhibition at the internationally-significant book fair which is attended by thousands of book sellers, book buyers and publishers every year.
Silly Birds is one of four Magabala Books’ titles selected for display at the book fair. The Spotty Dotty Lady by Josie Boyle, Counting Aussie Animals in my back yard by Bronwyn Houston and David Hardy’s Alfie’s Big Wish will also be presented to potential buyers.
Silly Birds is the only one to have had an illustration selected for the exhibition of art work that accompanies the books.
First-time author Gregg Dreise was excited about the selection of his work, and hopes to attend the event.
“Something like that doesn’t happen very often, and to be a part of it all would be wonderful,” he said.
Below is the illustration from the book that is to be exhibited in the art exhibition accompanying the Australian books on show.